Texas Gun Collectors Association


The Texas Gun Collector is published twice each year, once in mid-April, and once in mid- September. The magazine format was adopted very early on in The Collector's history - indeed it has always been referred to as a magazine even when it was little more than a monthly newsletter. The purpose of the publication is to record association events, including regular events and shows, disseminate news and information regarding the association, to provide interesting and informative articles to the membership, as well as to provide a forum for the exchange of opinions and knowledge among members. The magazine is the one benefit of membership that all members in good standing can enjoy.
The magazine has always been produced by volunteers drawn from the membership of TGCA. Today, professionals have been hired to provide graphics, layout and typesetting services, and of course, we pay to have the magazine printed, bound and distributed. But the work of soliciting editorial copy (articles and stories), soliciting advertising, editorial comment, etc., proof-reading, invoicing and collections is all carried out by members in their spare time for no payment. The result may be described as quite remarkable, and we believe that the articles published in The Collector accurately reflect the nature and field of interest of the members of the Association.
Several articles appearing in the magazine were written by TGCA members or friends of TGCA. Each article published, unless otherwise noted, was written especially for publication within The Collector's pages, and many articles from the pages of The Collector have been reprinted in the journals of other collector clubs. An index of the contents of the magazine from its inception in August 1950 has been available for several years, and this index includes the keystone article from the Golden Anniversary edition (Fall 2000) by former TGCA director and magazine editor, Dr. Wes Tunnell. The Texas Gun Collector is always looking for new material; if you would like to submit an article for consideration in connection with the collecting, maintenance and preservation or display of old guns, knives, etc., their accoutrements or accessories, and/or their history or the history of those who made or owned them please contact the editor by email at this address: TGCA.magazine@gmail.com